International Women in Engineering Day

Empowering women's careers in STEM is everyone's responsibility


The technical and technological sector is experiencing rapid growth in Europe, and to meet this demand, it is crucial to increase the participation of women in technical roles. Currently, women are underrepresented in this context, making up 9% of engineering positions and 18% of the digital world. 

If we look at the studies, in 2023, 19% of female university students chose science and technology-related fields. As for vocational training and technical studies, only 16% are women. Although there has been growth in recent years, female representation in this field is still not significant.

In addition to addressing the skills and knowledge gap, there are numerous other reasons to advocate for gender diversity in industrial organizations, one of which is the benefits it brings to the company.

For example, a SPRI study on the impact of women on industrial competitiveness concludes that "Companies with higher levels of gender equality are more competitive." The study's data also highlight that "more equal companies show better results in terms of revenue and employment, R&D&I, and internationalization." 

Despite the need for people with these skills, women represent only 21.7% of the employment in the Basque industry.


At RPK Group

At the RPK Group Equality Committee, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are key to our continued success. We celebrate and thank all our female engineers and technical professionals for their invaluable contributions and reaffirm our commitment to gender equality in the workplace. 

For International Women in Engineering Day on June 23rd, we invite all RPK Group members to reflect on the importance of gender equality and continue supporting initiatives that promote an inclusive and respectful work environment. 

To this end, we have interviewed some of our colleagues in technical positions at RPK Group to learn more about their daily experiences and highlight their valuable contributions.

Let's keep moving towards a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone! 😊

Arraitz Cabo García

Arraitz Cabo García

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the role of women in the workshop, a space traditionally dominated by men. The best way to encourage other women to work in this field is by showing what we do in our day-to-day activities. The relationship with my colleagues is one of the aspects I appreciate most about my daily work.

Begoña Gorrotxategi Sanchez:

Begoña Gorrotxategi Sanchez:

What truly excites me is the opportunity to provide creative solutions to challenges and constantly acquire new knowledge. I believe teamwork is essential, not only for achieving common goals but also for fostering the development of personal values. It is encouraging to see that in the industrial sector, the presence of women is increasing and their integration is becoming commonplace in companies.

Laura Bañares Santin

Laura Bañares Santin:

Working as an engineer gives me a sense of belonging to a team. It is a field I would highly recommend to young women, as an engineering education provides highly sought-after technical skills. These skills apply to a variety of roles, offering ample opportunities for career growth and professional development.

Raquel González Concha

Raquel González Concha:

My job allows me to balance work and family life, which is crucial during complex personal times. I contribute my knowledge, both what I already possess and what I acquire, bringing rigor, empathy, and the ability to listen, and to propose solutions. With determination and effort, we are all capable of taking on roles traditionally held by men, bringing our knowledge and unique personalities to the workplace.

Sara Linaje Sierra

Sara Linaje Sierra:

What I truly value about my profession is the intense collaboration and interaction with various disciplines, creating cohesion with almost all activities at RPK. I have a supportive and cooperative nature, essential for driving changes and projects within the organization. We are in the midst of the fifth industrial revolution, which emphasizes closer collaboration between humans and machines, fostering more sustainable and human-centered production. Technical professions are fundamental in this process, and being part of this driving force allows us to actively participate in creating this new stage.

Cristina Zincu

Cristina Zincu:

My work is a constant flow of learning and discovery. It allows me to grow both professionally and personally, challenging me to expand my horizons every day. As Marie Curie said: "Life is not easy for any of us, but…! What of it! We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted with something and that this thing must be attained at any cost.

Olga Jurado

Olga Jurado:

I appreciate it when my contribution at work is valued. Being a mediator, knowing how to listen, being patient, maintaining consistency, and defending our interests are key skills that I believe help us achieve the goals we set.

Florencia Sarazola

Florencia Sarazola:

In my work, I contribute positivity, responsibility, experience, a good attitude, and a great interest in continuous learning. I would encourage other women to join my field, assuring them that although the path is not easy, it is attainable. I would advise them to follow their passions and not be intimidated. Strength is not the only requirement for these jobs; skill and intelligence are equally important.

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