Innovation Process

The RPK Group Innovation Process is an integrated system of innovation and knowledge generation that allows us to continue advancing as a cooperative, finding, creating and promoting new business models, processes and opportunities in new sectors.

This system, which encompasses innovation in its broadest sense, allows us to promote a continuous relationship between all the agents involved, enhancing and optimizing collaboration between them.

Innovation in:

  • Products
  • Processes
  • Services
RPK Innovation Process


The objective is to focus on those key innovative initiatives and efficiently transfer them to all parties involved.

Innovation support

The objective is to offer the innovation process a series of supports that help it to develop it continuously over time.

Contact our engineering and sales teams. We will help you find the best solution for your applications.

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Do you need help for your next project?

Contact our engineering and sales teams. We will help you find the best solution for your applications.

+34 945 25 77 00

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