RPK Group honored at the Euskalduna Palace alongside 33 Basque Cooperatives

RPK Group Recognized by Kooperatiben Kontseilua for Over 50 Years of Cooperative Leadership

RPK Group honored at the Euskalduna Palace alongside 33 Basque Cooperatives


On Thursday, October 3rd, Kooperatiben Kontseilua paid tribute to more than thirty Basque cooperatives that have built a better world through cooperative values for over five decades. Among the honored companies was RPK Group, a recognition that fills us with pride as part of the cooperative movement.

Eduardo Melón, Jose Luis Borrajo y Nicolás Garmendia de RPK Group

Representing RPK Group at the ceremony were CEO Eduardo Melón, former commercial director Jose Luis Borrajo, and former general manager Nicolás Larrañaga, who accepted the award on stage at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. Since 2019, this award has recognized the legacy of 69 companies with over 50 years of history, highlighting their vital role in the Basque economy.

RPK Group Recognized by Kooperatiben Kontseilua for Over 50 Years of Cooperative Leadership

We were honored to share this moment with 33 outstanding cooperatives from various sectors, including friends and colleagues from companies such as Aurrenak, Goros, Ikerlan, Lagun Aro, Cikautxo, and Maier. This event emphasizes the diversity of the cooperative model, which spans industries like education, agriculture, and consumer services, proving that any sector can thrive under a collaborative structure.

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